Pro-Life Bills Pass Out of House Health Committee

Great news!  All three of the pro-life bills that Eagle Forum of Alabama is promoting were reported out of the House Health Committee on Feb. 8th, after public hearings on all of them.

HB24 – Adoption by Rep. Rich Wingo (334) 242-7681
This bill would establish the Alabama Child Placing Agency Inclusion Act.  It would prohibit the state from discriminating against child placing agencies on the basis that the provider declines to provide a child placement that conflicts with the religious beliefs of the provider.

HB95 – Conscience by Rep. Arnold Mooney (334) 242-7744

This bill would give health care providers the following: The authority to refuse to perform or to participate in health care services that violate their conscience; immunity from civil, criminal, or administrative liability for refusing to provide or participate in a health care service that violates their conscience. It would declare it unlawful for any person to discriminate against health care providers for declining to participate in a health care service that violates their conscience. The bill would also provide for injunctive relief and back pay for violation.


HB96 – Suicide by Rep. Mack Butler (334) 242-7446

This bill would establish the Assisted Suicide Ban Act to prohibit a person or a health care provider from providing aid in dying to another person and would provide civil and criminal penalties for violations.


We are asking Representatives for a “Pro-life Day” for all three bills to come up in the House. Senate sponsors should be dropping companion bills in the next few days. Please call the numbers listed above, and thank the sponsors and Rep. April Weaver, chairperson of the Health Committee for the completion of this first step.  She can be reached at (334) 242-7731.


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