Rick and Bubba: “Do Masks & Lockdowns really work?” Interview With Dr. David Williams:

Rick and Bubba interviewed Dr. David Williams one of the members of Physicians For Alabamians (PFA). You can listen here.   Discussion includes preventive and outpatient treatments as possible alternatives to the COVID shots.

Doctors in PFA have successfully treated hundreds of COVID 19 patients with tremendous success with protocols that may include HCQ or Ivermectin.  PFA will soon be hosting an important online conference with any interested Alabama doctors to share how they have been effectively treating COVID.  If you want to invite your doctor to attend, please sign up for our emails here. 

 When it comes to COVID 19, ‘Do nothing’ is not an option! 

 View COVID 19 preventatives and info on HCQ and Ivermectin here:  https://69b.1e9.myftpupload.com/covid-19/   Then hit “View Fullscreen” for a better view.

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