Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit is a 2016 documentary by filmmaker Curtis Bowers, serving as a sequel to Agenda: Grinding America Down. The film explores the idea that a coordinated effort, driven by Marxist and socialist ideologies, is working to undermine American values, faith, and freedom.
NEW LOCATION | Tuscaloosa Library, 1801 Jack Warner Boulevard, Tuscaloosa AL 35401. Take the elevator to the Second Floor, turn left to the Rotary Room. Doors open at 4:30 to meet and greet one another. Program 5-6:30. Bring a friend!
The views expressed in presentations made at EFA meetings are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of EFA. Presentations at EFA events, or the presence of vendors at EFA events, does not constitute an endorsement of the vendor or speaker’s views, products or services.