Baby Boomers remember where we came from. We see where we are. This documentary reveals how we got here, who has been driving the changes, and where we are headed. Backed by verifiable facts and references, it uncovers the patterns behind what may have seemed like random events.
Why have laws and regulations become so complex? What happened to the nuclear family? Why is a growing portion of society dependent on public assistance? Why does our education system seem to distort history?
These questions—and many more—are answered with clarity in Agenda: Grinding America Down. No matter your perspective, this film provides valuable insights into the forces shaping our world. With that understanding, you’ll be better equipped to see what’s coming next.
The views expressed in presentations made at EFA meetings are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of EFA. Presentations at EFA events, or the presence of vendors at EFA events, does not constitute an endorsement of the vendor or speaker’s views, products or services.