Biblical View of Immigration-Whole of Scripture vs. Cherry picking Verses

"Wise Welcome"

The Whole of Scripture vs. Cherry-Picking Verses

Each human being is made in the image of God, and citizenship in God’s kingdom is offered to every person, in every nation. Knowing this, Christians naturally embrace people “of every tribe and tongue.” The family of God knows no borders. I’ve experienced joys, sorrows and fellowship with Christians from many nations.


Counter to the common sense of most Americans, many curious ministers often advocate for mass migration. Biblical wisdom belongs in public as in private, but cherry-picking Scripture for personal or political agendas (more on this later) can be deceptive and dishonoring of the Lord and of one another. Let’s instead seek to be centered, deeply grounded and accurate.  (Excerpts from the forward by Kelly Kullberg.)


To Better Understand Biblical Principles Regarding Immigration

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