WEEK 1 (Feb. 4-6)
BILL SB79 SPONSOR: Sen. Weaver
DESCRIPTION: This bill would define man, woman, boy, girl, father, mother, male, female, and sex for purposes of state law. This would provide policy on the differences between sexes.
STATUS: This bill moved quickly out of the Senate County and Municiple Government Committee on Wednesday and passed the full Senate 26-5 on Thursday.
EF’s POSITION: Our Executive Director testified in support of it during Wednesday’s public hearing.

BILL SB78 SPONSOR: Sen. Weaver
DESCRIPTION: This bill would prohibit the use of butyl nitrite or any mixtures containing butyl nitrite, commonly known as “whippets,” and the use of nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas,” or “galaxy gas” and amyl nitrite, commonly known as “poppers” or “snappers,”. This bill would also provide penalties for any violations of the prohibition.
WHY THE BILL IS NEEDED: Minors are buying these dangerous products from convenience stores and smoke shops which can and do cause bodily harm including respiratory issues to severe neurological and cardiovascular complications, the dangers of nitrous oxide inhalants should not be underestimated. See more here.
STATUS: This bill passed quickly out of the Senate County and Municiple Government Committee on Wednesday and passed the full Senate unanimously on Thursday.
EF’s POSITION: We support this bill.

DESCRIPTION: This bill would require law enforcement agencies to collect fingerprints and DNA from any illegal alien in the agency’s custody and submit the fingerprints and DNA for testing or cataloging. Citizens are currently required to provide this information. This law would now include illegal aliens to submit the same information when they are in custody.
STATUS: This bill passed the Senate County and Municiple Government Committee and is awaiting Senate floor debate.
EF’s POSITION: We support this bill.
BILL SB53 SPONSOR: Sen. Kitchens
DESCRIPTION: Under existing law, when an alien or a suspected alien is arrested and booked in a state, county, or municipal jail, a reasonable effort shall be made to
determine if that individual is an illegal alien. This bill would further provide for the process in which an administrator in charge of a state, county, or municipal jail, or his or her designee, is to determine whether an individual arrested and booked in the jail is an illegal alien. This bill would repeal a criminal provision concerning illegal immigration that was held invalid by the federal court and would establish the new crime of concealing an illegal alien and would provide criminal
penalties for violations. This bill would also create the crime of human smuggling and would provide criminal penalties for violations
STATUS: This bill passed out of the Senate County and Municiple Government Committee
EF’s POSITION: We support this bill.
DESCRIPTION: Under existing law, a minor 14 years of age or older may give consent for medical, dental, and mental health services for himself or herself without parental consent. This bill would require the written consent of a parent or a legal guardian for any minor to receive a vaccination, unless the minor is living independently from his or her parent or legal guardian.
STATUS: HB2 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee and is awaiting a House floor vote.
EF’s POSITION: We support this bill.
BILL SB6 SPONSOR: Sen. Elliott
DESCRIPTION: Under existing law, county and municipal library boards are appointed by the respective governing body of the county or municipality. This bill would provide that library board members serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authority, and by two-thirds vote may be removed by their respective appointing authority.
STATUS: SB6 passed out to the Senate County and Municiple Government Committee and is awaiting Senate floor debate.
EF’s POSITION: We support this bill.
WHERE: AL State House Steps, 11 S. Union Street, Montgomery, AL
WHEN: Wed. Feb. 12th at 11:00am
DETAILS: To kick off the 2025 Legislative session, ALCAP is hosting a time of prayer for and with our elected officials. Join us for lunch afterwards hosted by ALCAP for $10. Register here.
All believers are welcome!