Harnessing Technology for Social Good in The Fight Against Human Trafficking
Dr. Mel will be the speaker for the Huntsville Eagle Forum meeting on Sept. 11, 6 -7:30 pm at the Huntsville Public Library, 915 Monroe St SW, Huntsville, AL 35801
The movie Sound of Freedom has taken the American public by storm. It puts a face to the victims, as well as the heroes who rescued the kids. The dark story gives hope to the most vulnerable. But it is only a tiny sliver of what has been happening.
The internet has made human trafficking a borderless crime.
Retired US Army Military Intelligence Captain Dr. Mel, Co-Founder of SWAT (Sports World Against Trafficking), has been fighting this crime using her expertise in technology. She will share with us how much danger lurks where children spend their time, and how modern-day slavery is in almost all continents, with 40 million victims worldwide and 2,300 missing children a day, female, and male victims.
She will share with us where the vulnerabilities lie, facts and myths. It can happen to anyone. For example, the “CALCULATOR%” is only one of many secret apps used to hide photos, video, files, and browser history.
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