It’s almost election time. This year it is vitally important that every eligible person of voting age is registered and active. If you or someone you know isn’t registered, let us help you to get signed up. All you will need is your Alabama Driver’s License and your SS#.  



SEPT 11: Absentee voter applications open*

OCT 21: Voter registration deadline

OCT 29: Last day to apply for an absentee ballot by mail

OCT 31: Last day to apply for an absentee ballot in person

NOV 4: Last day to hand-deliver an absentee ballot

NOV 5: Absentee ballots returned by mail must be received by noon**


*You can print out an application online and mail it to the appropriate County Absentee Manager (Secretary of State website, linked in red button above will direct you.) Once your application is received, they will mail you a ballot which you will mark and return by mail. Any step of the absentee process can be done in person, but it has to be the actual voter and not someone else delivering their application or ballot. As you can see it can be a complicated process, so I tell voters to START EARLY. Mail can be unreliable.


**Except for persons casting absentee ballots pursuant to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA voters) 


IMPORTANT:  Don’t use any other websites. Secretary of State Wes Allen put out a notice that other sites are directing voters to the correct website, but they are collecting voters’ data in the process.

Register to Vote

Two Forms of Donations

We need your support but, do it in a way that’s best for you!
