Students for life Pro-Life Rally this Wednesday

Join us for a rally as we celebrate LIFE this Wednesday, May 22nd, at 11AM on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. Students for Life will be hosting the event. Eagle Forum Executive Director Becky Gerritson will be one of many dynamic speakers. Others include:

Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life (Emcee)
Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation
Sarah Howell, CEC for Life
Joy Pinto, Her Choice Birmingham
Nancy Kelly, courageous mother who chose Life after conceiving in rape
Elizabeth Parker, Minority Outreach Coordinator for Students for Life
Janet Lee Marino, conceived in rape

The Alabama State Capitol’s main front steps area is on the west side of the building, facing the intersection of Bainbridge and Dexter Avenue.

We will celebrate how pro-life and pro-woman Alabama is with the recent passing of the toughest anti-abortion law in the country.

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