Not In Our Town!

We are at a crossroads in Alabama!  We will succumb to the dangers of opening our state to the proliferation of marijuana, or we will stand up to this danger.  During this past 2021 session, our legislature passed a bill and Governor Ivey signed into law a measure to legalize Dispensary Marijuana in Alabama.  Eagle Forum worked against this harmful bill and will continue to work to stop its damage to our society and the families of Alabama. 


This bill enables the operation of dispensaries of marijuana that proponents claim to have medicinal benefits.  According to Christine Carr, CRNA, MNA, who is heading up efforts to stop the proliferation of marijuana dispensaries, “…any effort to stop the opening of these dispensaries will result in saving lives”.  She is working with a non-partisan coalition of groups, including Eagle Forum, to do just that.  The effort is called, “NOT IN MY TOWN.” 

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