PETITION: AL Should Withdraw From The American Library Assoc.

Please sign our petition to show AL legislators that we support pulling out of the American Library Association. 


Materials which promote the LGBTQA+ agenda are not appropriate for the young minds of children.  Countless instances of pornographic material in the children’s sections abound in both public and school libraries in Alabama and all across the nation.


The American Library Association produces what they call their Rainbow Book List each year which lists LGBTQA+ themed books which for 2023 is composed of over 190 books for young readers from birth to age 18. They promote the addition of these books to local libraries both school and public libraries.  This is not to help young people but to groom them to accept the LGBTQA+ agenda. Pastor Jonathan G. Lange states in The Federalist,The policies and guidance provided by the ALA is designed to undermine parental rights and to obstruct reasonable modifications for a safe library environment. The ALA has abused any public trust it once enjoyed. It has become the leading advocate for sexualizing children and politically indoctrinating them.”


Alabama should cease purchasing and promoting such books. The budget in the last session of the AL legislature appropriated over $14 million to promote libraries within the state. We do not believe that a single penny of taxpayer money should be spent on memberships to the American Library Association or the Alabama Library Association so long as they promote such materials that are harmful to the youth of our state. Many of these books could even be in violation of existing pornographic materials laws.


Read more about obscene books found in AL libraries here, and here.  Watch via Facebook live the Aug 10th Alabama Library Service meeting.

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