Pushing Pot Down Our Throats: THREE DEADLINES

Pushing Pot Down Our Throats:
Three Important Deadlines

Dispensary Marijuana

 Friends, the marijuana industry is getting desperate and pulling out all the stops this election year. They know the science continues to dismantle their arguments for “safe and effective” cannabis, and time is running out on their façade. The deluge of lobbyists and money being thrown at our Congress has created a worrisome shift. If we do not act now, we could see pot become a permanent presence. This will have disastrous results for our children and our nation. Fortunately, the information below is the quickest and most simple way for you to help push back against pot in America!




The Farm Bill “Close the Hemp Loophole”

Deadline JUNE 21st:

This is an area where we are seeing some success! The amendment to close the hemp loophole (and end the various delta THC variants) has survived several House committees. We need everyone to contact their representative by using our Smartlink below, which clearly asks them to Support the Farm Bill amendment and “close the hemp loophole.” Your outreach will also impact the Senate. Do you know of friends or family members harmed by THC hemp products in vapes, oils, or contaminated CBD products? This has become a crisis for our young, and school systems everywhere hope to see this stopped.  Please click our Smartlink here to send a pre-written comment to your member of Congress.


NDAA in the Senate “We Want Sober Soldiers, NOT Reefer Recruits”

Deadline JUNE 28th:

Despite calls from veterans and many pro-family, drug prevention, and conservative groups, HASC (House Armed Services Committee) and the House Rules Committee did not remove the Gaetz provision that seeks to end cannabis testing for military recruits. Yes, there are members of Congress that want to let pot users into the military! The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will most likely pass the House and move onto the Senate, where we have a good chance of getting this dangerous provision removed.

There are no scientific or solid policy-based recommendations for this move. For more information, read the 1819 News Memorial Day OpEd by Concerned Veterans. Please click  our Smartlink here to send a message to your representatives in the House and Senate to know that you oppose the Gaetz provision in the NDAA.


DEA Public Comment “Schedule I and Done; Schedule III Cannot Be”

Deadline JULY 22nd:

The most egregious and non-scientific move being made by the current administration is to consider a change to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) scheduling of marijuana. There have been several attempts to remove marijuana from Schedule I in the past. However, scientific research continues to show that whole plant marijuana does not prove real medicinal benefit, and it has a high potential for abuse. There are cannabinoids that do meet the criteria of medicine, however, and are approved by the FDA. These Schedule II and III cannabinoids (e.g. Epidiolex and Marinol) can be prescribed by a physician, purchased in a pharmacy, and covered by insurance. If the Biden Administration forces the DEA to change marijuana from Schedule I to III, this would be tantamount to full legalization. Here is a small list of our concerns that you can share during this public comment period:

Bypasses established processes for developing safe and effective medicines, worsening medical care *Bypasses the requirements of drug testing for the DOT (Department of Transportation), allowing train conductors, bus drivers, and truckers to drive high

Gives the marijuana industry incredible power with access to US banks, tax breaks, and governments

Raise healthcare costs through increased morbidity and insurance coverage of marijuana

Increased use among our young, with more exposure in pregnancy

Increased domestic and gun violence, as marijuana is directly linked to violent outbursts, mass shootings, and deaths of children from abuse and neglect.


Please use our Smartlink here to send a pre-written comment to the DEA. The public comment period ends July 22, 2024.

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We need your support but, do it in a way that’s best for you!
