Happy Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July!

Celebrating Our Nation's Independence

248 years ago, our Nation declared itself to be free from the tyrannical rule of Great Britain. While a bloody and difficult war followed, the end result was freedom! Praise be to God for His benevolence and mercy towards our lowly state. And let us never forget the blessings which allowed us to become the United States of America.

While there have been many difficulties and trials over the last two centuries, we continue to live in a land of amazing opportunity (how long that will continue we cannot be sure). Alabama Eagle Forum is diligently working to keep our state independent and free, and peacefully advocating for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We believe that God has called us to stand for faith, family values, and freedom in order to continue the amazing American legacy laid out in our founding documents. And thanks to the partnership and action from many of you, we are able to continue this work year after year. 

On this 4th of July, as a way to celebrate our independence, we would encourage you, together with your family to take some time and read the Declaration of Independence together. Take time to discuss the uniqueness and power of America’s most religious document. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to probe and discuss the vision of our founders, and what we can do personally to share this vision with the coming generations. Be thoughtful as you ponder the old words, be mindful as you consider the depth of God’s truths, planted deeply in the sentences. Let us carry these truths into the coming year. Use this flyer to guide your discussion.


May you have a blessed Independence Day, friends. We are so grateful for you. Don’t forget to press the link below for a digital copy of the Declaration. 


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